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Text File  |  1993-12-31  |  40KB  |  1,095 lines

  1. /*
  2.  *  TeX -> MS-DOS
  3.  *
  4.  *  (c)Copyright 1992,93 by Tobias Ferber,  All Rights Reserved.
  5.  */
  8. /*** / PRIMITIVES / ***/
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  371. $5c,")"                       -> ;
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  422. $5c,"b"                       -> ;    // bar under accent
  423. $5c,"backslash"               -> "\\";
  424. $5c,"bar"                     -> ;    // math accent
  425. $5c,"beginsection"            -> ;
  426. $5c,"beta"                    -> $e1;
  427. $5c,"bf"                      -> ;
  428. $5c,"bffam"                   -> ;
  429. $5c,"bgroup"                  -> ;
  430. $5c,"big"                     -> ;
  431. $5c,"Big"                     -> ;
  432. $5c,"bigbreak"                -> ;
  433. $5c,"bigcap"                  -> $ef; // we have no larger cap...
  434. $5c,"bigcirc"                 -> "O";
  435. $5c,"bigcup"                  -> "U";
  436. $5c,"bigg"                    -> ;
  437. $5c,"Bigg"                    -> ;
  438. $5c,"biggl"                   -> ;
  439. $5c,"Biggl"                   -> ;
  440. $5c,"biggm"                   -> ;
  441. $5c,"Biggm"                   -> ;
  442. $5c,"biggr"                   -> ;
  443. $5c,"Biggr"                   -> ;
  444. $5c,"bigl"                    -> ;
  445. $5c,"Bigl"                    -> ;
  446. $5c,"bigm"                    -> ;
  447. $5c,"Bigm"                    -> ;
  448. $5c,"bigodot"                 -> ;
  449. $5c,"bigoplus"                -> ;
  450. $5c,"bigotimes"               -> ;
  451. $5c,"bigr"                    -> ;
  452. $5c,"Bigr"                    -> ;
  453. $5c,"bigskip"                 -> ;
  454. $5c,"bigskipamount"           -> ;
  455. $5c,"bigsqcup"                -> ;
  456. $5c,"bigtriangledown"         -> ;
  457. $5c,"bigtriangleup"           -> ;
  458. $5c,"biguplus"                -> ;
  459. $5c,"bigvee"                  -> "V";
  460. $5c,"bigwedge"                -> "^";
  461. $5c,"bmod"                    -> "mod";
  462. $5c,"body"                    -> ;
  463. $5c,"bordermatrix"            -> ;
  464. $5c,"bot"                     -> $c1;
  465. $5c,"bowtie"                  -> $ec;  // almost
  466. $5c,"brace"                   -> ;     // ( notation
  467. $5c,"braceld"                 -> ;     // pieces of horizontal braces
  468. $5c,"bracelu"                 -> ;
  469. $5c,"bracerd"                 -> ;
  470. $5c,"braceru"                 -> ;
  471. $5c,"bracevert"               -> $b3;  // almost
  472. $5c,"brack"                   -> ;     // [ notation
  473. $5c,"break"                   -> ;     // force line or pagebreak
  474. $5c,"breve"                   -> ;     // math accent
  475. $5c,"buildrel"                -> ;
  476. $5c,"bullet"                  -> $f9;
  477. $5c,"bye"                     -> ;
  479. $5c,"c"                       -> ;     // cedilla accent
  480. $5c,"c", "{C}"                -> $80;
  481. $5c,"c", "{c}"                -> $87;
  482. $5c,"c", "C"                  -> $80;
  483. $5c,"c", "c"                  -> $87;
  485. $5c,"c@ncel"                  -> ;
  486. $5c,"cal"                     -> ;
  487. $5c,"cap"                     -> $ef;
  488. $5c,"cases"                   -> ;
  489. $5c,"cdot"                    -> $fa;
  490. $5c,"cdotp"                   -> ;
  491. $5c,"cdots"                   -> $fa,$fa,$fa;
  492. $5c,"centering"               -> ;
  493. $5c,"centerline"              -> ;     // make a centered line
  494. $5c,"ch@ck"                   -> ;
  495. $5c,"check"                   -> ;     // math accent
  496. $5c,"chi"                     -> "x";
  497. $5c,"choose"                  -> ;
  498. $5c,"circ"                    -> "o";
  499. $5c,"cleartabs"               -> ;
  500. $5c,"clubsuit"                -> $05;
  501. $5c,"colon"                   -> ":";
  502. $5c,"columns"                 -> ;
  503. $5c,"cong"                    -> ;
  504. $5c,"coprod"                  -> $d0;
  505. $5c,"copy"                    -> ;
  506. $5c,"copyright"               -> "(c)";
  507. $5c,"cos"                     -> "cos";
  508. $5c,"cosh"                    -> "cosh";
  509. $5c,"cot"                     -> "cot";
  510. $5c,"coth"                    -> "coth";
  511. $5c,"count@"                  -> ;
  512. $5c,"count0"                  -> ;     // page number, \pageno)
  513. $5c,"csc"                     -> "csc";
  514. $5c,"cup"                     -> "U";
  515. $5c,"d"                       -> ;     // dot under accent
  516. $5c,"dag"                     -> ;
  517. $5c,"dagger"                  -> ;
  518. $5c,"dashv"                   -> $b4;
  519. $5c,"ddag"                    -> ;
  520. $5c,"ddagger"                 -> ;
  521. $5c,"ddot"                    -> ;
  522. $5c,"ddots"                   -> ;
  523. $5c,"deg"                     -> "deg";
  524. $5c,"delta"                   -> $eb;
  525. $5c,"Delta"                   -> ;
  526. $5c,"det"                     -> "det";
  527. $5c,"diamond"                 -> $04;
  528. $5c,"diamondsuit"             -> $04;
  529. $5c,"dim"                     -> "dim";
  530. $5c,"dimen@"                  -> ;
  531. $5c,"dimen@i"                 -> ;
  532. $5c,"dimen@ii"                -> ;
  533. $5c,"displ@y"                 -> ;
  534. $5c,"displaylines"            -> ;
  535. $5c,"div"                     -> $f6;
  536. $5c,"do"                      -> ;
  537. $5c,"dospecials"              -> ;
  538. $5c,"dosupereject"            -> ;
  539. $5c,"dot"                     -> ;     // math accent
  540. $5c,"doteq"                   -> "=";
  541. $5c,"dotfill"                 -> ;
  542. $5c,"dots"                    -> "...";
  543. $5c,"downarrow"               -> $19;
  544. $5c,"Downarrow"               -> $19;
  545. $5c,"downbracefill"           -> ;
  546. $5c,"dt@pfalse"               -> ;
  547. $5c,"dt@ptrue"                -> ;
  548. $5c,"egroup"                  -> ;
  549. $5c,"eject"                   -> ;
  550. $5c,"ell"                     -> "l";
  551. $5c,"empty"                   -> ;
  552. $5c,"emptyset"                -> $ed;
  553. $5c,"endgraf"                 -> ;
  554. $5c,"endinsert"               -> ;
  555. $5c,"endline"                 -> "\n";
  556. $5c,"enskip"                  -> ;
  557. $5c,"enspace"                 -> ;
  558. $5c,"epsilon"                 -> $ee;
  559. $5c,"eqalign"                 -> ;
  560. $5c,"eqalignno"               -> ;
  561. $5c,"equiv"                   -> $f0;
  562. $5c,"eta"                     -> $fc;
  563. $5c,"exists"                  -> "E";
  564. $5c,"exp"                     -> "exp";
  565. $5c,"f@@t"                    -> ;
  566. $5c,"f@t"                     -> ;
  567. $5c,"finph@nt"                -> ;
  568. $5c,"finsm@sh"                -> ;
  569. $5c,"fivebf"                  -> ;     // ?
  570. $5c,"fivei"                   -> ;
  571. $5c,"fiverm"                  -> ;
  572. $5c,"fivesy"                  -> ;
  573. $5c,"flat"                    -> "b";
  574. $5c,"fmtname"                 -> ;
  575. $5c,"fmtversion"              -> ;
  576. $5c,"fo@t"                    -> ;
  577. $5c,"folio"                   -> ;     // typeset page number
  578. $5c,"footins"                 -> ;
  579. $5c,"footline"                -> ;
  580. $5c,"footnote"                -> ;
  581. $5c,"footnote"                -> ;
  582. $5c,"footnoterule"            -> ;
  583. $5c,"footstrut"               -> ;
  584. $5c,"forall"                  -> "A";
  585. $5c,"frenchspacing"           -> ;
  586. $5c,"frown"                   -> ;
  587. $5c,"gamma"                   -> "g";
  588. $5c,"Gamma"                   -> $e2;
  589. $5c,"gcd"                     -> "gcd";
  590. $5c,"ge"                      -> $f2;  // >=
  591. $5c,"geq"                     -> $f2;  // >=
  592. $5c,"gets"                    -> $1b;  // <-
  593. $5c,"gg"                      -> $af;  // >>
  594. $5c,"goodbreak"               -> ;
  595. $5c,"grave"                   -> "´";
  596. $5c,"H"                       -> $22;  // long Hungarian umlaut
  597. $5c,"h@false"                 -> ;
  598. $5c,"h@true"                  -> ;
  599. $5c,"hang"                    -> ;
  600. $5c,"hat"                     -> "^";
  601. $5c,"hbar"                    -> "h";
  602. $5c,"headline"                -> ;
  603. $5c,"heartsuit"               -> $03;
  604. $5c,"hgl@"                    -> ;
  605. $5c,"hglue"                   -> ;
  606. $5c,"hideskip"                -> ;
  607. $5c,"hidewidth"               -> ;
  608. $5c,"hom"                     -> "hom";
  609. $5c,"hookleftarrow"           -> ;
  610. $5c,"hookrightarrow"          -> ;
  611. $5c,"hphantom"                -> ;
  612. $5c,"hrulefill"               -> ;
  613. $5c,"i"                       -> "i";  // dotless
  614. $5c,"ialign"                  -> ;
  615. $5c,"if@"                     -> ;
  616. $5c,"if@cr"                   -> ;
  617. $5c,"if@mid"                  -> ;
  618. $5c,"ifdt@p"                  -> ;
  619. $5c,"iff"                     -> ;
  620. $5c,"ifh@"                    -> ;
  621. $5c,"ifp@ge"                  -> ;
  622. $5c,"ifr@ggedbottom"          -> ;
  623. $5c,"ifus@"                   -> ;
  624. $5c,"ifv@"                    -> ;
  625. $5c,"Im"                      -> "I";
  626. $5c,"imath"                   -> "i";  // dotless
  627. $5c,"in"                      -> $ee;
  628. $5c,"inaccessible"            -> ;     // not a defined \cs;
  629.                                        // occurs only in error messages
  630. $5c,"inf"                     -> "inf";
  631. $5c,"infty"                   -> $ec;
  632. $5c,"insc@unt"                -> ;
  633. $5c,"int"                     -> $f4;  // large integral sign
  634. $5c,"interdisplaylinepenalty" -> ;
  635. $5c,"interfootnotelinepenalty"-> ;
  636. $5c,"intop"                   -> ;
  637. $5c,"iota"                    -> "i";
  638. $5c,"it"                      -> ;     // use italic type
  639. $5c,"item"                    -> ;
  640. $5c,"itemitem"                -> ;
  641. $5c,"iterate"                 -> ;
  642. $5c,"itfam"                   -> ;
  643. $5c,"j"                       -> "j";  // dotless
  644. $5c,"jmath"                   -> "j";
  645. $5c,"joinrel"                 -> ;
  646. $5c,"jot"                     -> ;
  647. $5c,"kappa"                   -> "k";
  648. $5c,"ker"                     -> "ker";
  649. $5c,"l"                       -> "l";  // w/ dash
  650. $5c,"L"                       -> "L";
  651. $5c,"lambda"                  -> ;
  652. $5c,"Lambda"                  -> ;
  653. $5c,"land"                    -> ;
  654. $5c,"langle"                  -> "<";
  655. $5c,"lbrace"                  -> "{";
  656. $5c,"lbrack"                  -> "[";
  657. $5c,"lceil"                   -> $da;
  658. $5c,"ldotp"                   -> ;
  659. $5c,"ldots"                   -> "...";
  660. $5c,"le"                      -> $f3;
  661. $5c,"leavevmode"              -> ;
  662. $5c,"leftarrow"               -> "<",$c4;
  663. $5c,"Leftarrow"               -> "<",$cd;
  664. $5c,"leftarrowfill"           -> ;
  665. $5c,"leftharpoondown"         -> ;
  666. $5c,"leftharpoonup"           -> ;
  667. $5c,"leftline"                -> ;
  668. $5c,"leftrightarrow"          -> $1d;
  669. $5c,"Leftrightarrow"          -> "<",$cd,">";
  670. $5c,"leq"                     -> $f3;
  671. $5c,"leqalignno"              -> ;
  672. $5c,"lfloor"                  -> $c0;
  673. $5c,"lg"                      -> "lg";
  674. $5c,"lgroup"                  -> ;
  675. $5c,"lhook"                   -> ;
  676. $5c,"lim"                     -> "lim";
  677. $5c,"liminf"                  -> "lim inf";
  678. $5c,"limsup"                  -> "lim sup";
  679. $5c,"line"                    -> ;
  680. $5c,"ll"                      -> $ae;
  681. $5c,"llap"                    -> ;
  682. $5c,"lmoustache"              -> ;
  683. $5c,"ln"                      -> "ln";
  684. $5c,"lnot"                    -> $aa;
  685. $5c,"log"                     -> "log";
  686. $5c,"longleftarrow"           -> "<",$c4,$c4;
  687. $5c,"Longleftarrow"           -> "<",$cd,$cd;
  688. $5c,"longleftrightarrow"      -> "<",$c4,$c4,">";
  689. $5c,"Longleftrightarrow"      -> "<",$cd,$cd,">";
  690. $5c,"longmapsto"              -> $c3,$c4,$c4,">";
  691. $5c,"longrightarrow"          -> $c4,$c4,">";
  692. $5c,"Longrightarrow"          -> "==>";
  693. $5c,"loop"                    -> ;
  694. $5c,"lor"                     -> "";
  695. $5c,"lq"                      -> "´";
  696. $5c,"m@g"                     -> ;
  697. $5c,"m@ketabbox"              -> ;
  698. $5c,"m@ne"                    -> ;
  699. $5c,"m@th"                    -> ;
  700. $5c,"magnification"           -> ;
  701. $5c,"magstep"                 -> ;
  702. $5c,"magstephalf"             -> ;
  703. $5c,"makefootline"            -> ;
  704. $5c,"makeheadline"            -> ;
  705. $5c,"makeph@nt"               -> ;
  706. $5c,"makesm@sh"               -> ;
  707. $5c,"mapsto"                  -> $c3,$c4,">";
  708. $5c,"mapstochar"              -> $c3;
  709. $5c,"mathhexbox"              -> ;
  710. $5c,"mathpalette"             -> ;
  711. $5c,"mathph@nt"               -> ;
  712. $5c,"mathsm@sh"               -> ;
  713. $5c,"mathstrut"               -> ;
  714. $5c,"matrix"                  -> ;
  715. $5c,"max"                     -> "max";
  716. $5c,"maxdimen"                -> ;
  717. $5c,"medbreak"                -> ;
  718. $5c,"medskip"                 -> ;
  719. $5c,"medskipamount"           -> ;
  720. $5c,"mid"                     -> $b3;
  721. $5c,"midinsert"               -> ;
  722. $5c,"min"                     -> "min";
  723. $5c,"mit"                     -> ;     // math italic family
  724. $5c,"models"                  -> $c6;
  725. $5c,"mp"                      -> ;     // -/+
  726. $5c,"mscount"                 -> ;
  727. $5c,"mu"                      -> $e6;
  728. $5c,"multispan"               -> ;
  729. $5c,"n@space"                 -> ;
  730. $5c,"nabla"                   -> ;
  731. $5c,"narrower"                -> ;
  732. $5c,"natural"                 -> ;
  733. $5c,"ne"                      -> $d8;
  734. $5c,"nearrow"                 -> ;
  735. $5c,"neg"                     -> $aa;
  736. $5c,"negthinspace"            -> ;
  737. $5c,"neq"                     -> $d8;
  738. $5c,"newbox"                  -> ;
  739. $5c,"newcount"                -> ;
  740. $5c,"newdimen"                -> ;
  741. $5c,"newfam"                  -> ;
  742. $5c,"newhelp"                 -> ;
  743. $5c,"newif"                   -> ;
  744. $5c,"newinsert"               -> ;
  745. $5c,"newmuskip"               -> ;
  746. $5c,"newread"                 -> ;
  747. $5c,"newskip"                 -> ;
  748. $5c,"newtoks"                 -> ;
  749. $5c,"newwrite"                -> ;
  750. $5c,"next"                    -> ;
  751. $5c,"ni"                      -> ;
  752. $5c,"nobreak"                 -> ;
  753. $5c,"nointerlineskip"         -> ;
  754. $5c,"nonfrenchspacing"        -> ;
  755. $5c,"nopagenumbers"           -> ;
  756. $5c,"normalbaselines"         -> ;
  757. $5c,"normalbaselineskip"      -> ;
  758. $5c,"normalbottom"            -> ;
  759. $5c,"normallineskip"          -> ;
  760. $5c,"normallineskiplimit"     -> ;
  762. $5c,"not"                     -> ;
  763. $5c,"not","="                 -> $d8;
  765. $5c,"notin"                   -> ;
  766. $5c,"nu"                      -> ;
  767. $5c,"null"                    -> ;
  768. $5c,"nwarrow"                 -> ;
  769. $5c,"o"                       -> "o";
  770. $5c,"O"                       -> "0";
  771. $5c,"oalign"                  -> ;
  772. $5c,"obeylines"               -> ;
  773. $5c,"obeyspaces"              -> ;
  774. $5c,"odot"                    -> "0";
  775. $5c,"oe"                      -> "oe";
  776. $5c,"OE"                      -> "OE";
  777. $5c,"of"                      -> ;
  778. $5c,"offinterlineskip"        -> ;
  779. $5c,"oint"                    -> ;
  780. $5c,"ointop"                  -> ;
  781. $5c,"oldstyle"                -> ;
  782. $5c,"omega"                   -> ;
  783. $5c,"Omega"                   -> $ea;
  784. $5c,"ominus"                  -> $e9;  // == Theta
  785. $5c,"ooalign"                 -> ;
  786. $5c,"openup"                  -> ;
  787. $5c,"oplus"                   -> ;
  788. $5c,"oslash"                  -> $ed;
  789. $5c,"otimes"                  -> ;
  790. $5c,"overbrace"               -> ;
  791. $5c,"overleftarrow"           -> ;
  792. $5c,"overrightarrow"          -> ;
  793. $5c,"owns"                    -> ;
  794. $5c,"P"                       -> $14;
  795. $5c,"p@"                      -> ;
  796. $5c,"p@gefalse"               -> ;
  797. $5c,"p@getrue"                -> ;
  798. $5c,"p@renwd"                 -> ;
  799. $5c,"pagebody"                -> ;
  800. $5c,"pagecontents"            -> ;
  801. $5c,"pageinsert"              -> ;
  802. $5c,"pageno"                  -> ;
  803. $5c,"parallel"                -> $ba;
  804. $5c,"partial"                 -> $eb;  // delta
  805. $5c,"perp"                    -> $c1;
  806. $5c,"ph@nt"                   -> ;
  807. $5c,"phantom"                 -> ;
  808. $5c,"phi"                     -> $ed;
  809. $5c,"Phi"                     -> $e9;
  810. $5c,"pi"                      -> $e3;
  811. $5c,"Pi"                      -> $d2;
  812. $5c,"plainoutput"             -> ;
  813. $5c,"pm"                      -> $f1;
  814. $5c,"pmatrix"                 -> ;
  815. $5c,"pmod"                    -> "mod";  // (mod ...)
  816. $5c,"Pr"                      -> "Pr";
  817. $5c,"pr@@@s"                  -> ;
  818. $5c,"pr@@@t"                  -> ;
  819. $5c,"pr@m@s"                  -> ;
  820. $5c,"prec"                    -> ;
  821. $5c,"preceq"                  -> ;
  822. $5c,"preloaded"               -> ;
  823. $5c,"prim@s"                  -> ;
  824. $5c,"prime"                   -> "'";
  825. $5c,"proclaim"                -> ;
  826. $5c,"prod"                    -> $d2;
  827. $5c,"propto"                  -> ;
  828. $5c,"psi"                     -> ;
  829. $5c,"Psi"                     -> ;
  830. $5c,"qquad"                   -> " ";
  831. $5c,"quad"                    -> " ";
  832. $5c,"r@@t"                    -> ;
  833. $5c,"r@ggedbottomfalse"       -> ;
  834. $5c,"r@ggedbottomtrue"        -> ;
  835. $5c,"raggedbottom"            -> ;
  836. $5c,"raggedright"             -> ;
  837. $5c,"rangle"                  -> ">";
  838. $5c,"rbrace"                  -> "}";
  839. $5c,"rbrack"                  -> "]";
  840. $5c,"rceil"                   -> $bf;
  841. $5c,"Re"                      -> "R";
  842. $5c,"relbar"                  -> ;
  843. $5c,"Relbar"                  -> ;
  844. $5c,"removelastskip"          -> ;
  845. $5c,"repeat"                  -> ;
  846. $5c,"rfloor"                  -> $d9;
  847. $5c,"rgroup"                  -> ;
  848. $5c,"rho"                     -> ;
  849. $5c,"rhook"                   -> ;
  850. $5c,"rightarrow"              -> $1a;
  851. $5c,"Rightarrow"              -> $cd,">";
  852. $5c,"rightarrowfill"          -> ;
  853. $5c,"rightharpoondown"        -> ;
  854. $5c,"rightharpoonup"          -> ;
  855. $5c,"rightleftharpoons"       -> ;
  856. $5c,"rightline"               -> ;
  857. $5c,"rlap"                    -> ;
  858. $5c,"rlh@"                    -> ;
  859. $5c,"rm"                      -> ;     // use roman type
  860. $5c,"rmoustache"              -> ;
  861. $5c,"root"                    -> ;
  862. $5c,"rootbox"                 -> ;
  863. $5c,"rq"                      -> "'";
  864. $5c,"S"                       -> $15;
  865. $5c,"s@tcols"                 -> ;
  866. $5c,"s@tt@b"                  -> ;
  867. $5c,"sb"                      -> ;
  868. $5c,"sc"                      -> ;     // use small caps type
  869. $5c,"searrow"                 -> ;
  870. $5c,"sec"                     -> "sec";
  871. $5c,"setminus"                -> $5c;
  872. $5c,"sett@b"                  -> ;
  873. $5c,"settabs"                 -> ;
  874. $5c,"sevenbf"                 -> ;
  875. $5c,"seveni"                  -> ;
  876. $5c,"sevenrm"                 -> ;
  877. $5c,"sevensy"                 -> ;
  878. $5c,"sharp"                   -> "#";
  879. $5c,"showhyphens"             -> ;
  880. $5c,"sigma"                   -> $e5;
  881. $5c,"Sigma"                   -> $e4;
  882. $5c,"sim"                     -> "~";
  883. $5c,"simeq"                   -> ;     // ~=
  884. $5c,"sin"                     -> "sin";
  885. $5c,"sinh"                    -> "sinh";
  886. $5c,"sixt@@n"                 -> ;
  887. $5c,"skew"                    -> ;
  888. $5c,"skip@"                   -> ;
  889. $5c,"sl"                      -> ;     // use slanted type
  890. $5c,"slash"                   -> "/";
  891. $5c,"slfam"                   -> ;
  892. $5c,"smallbreak"              -> ;
  893. $5c,"smallint"                -> ;
  894. $5c,"smallskip"               -> ;
  895. $5c,"smallskipamount"         -> ;
  896. $5c,"smash"                   -> ;
  897. $5c,"smile"                   -> ;
  898. $5c,"sp"                      -> ;     // superscript
  899. $5c,"sp@n"                    -> ;
  900. $5c,"space"                   -> ;
  901. $5c,"spadesuit"               -> $06;
  902. $5c,"sqcap"                   -> ;
  903. $5c,"sqcup"                   -> ;
  904. $5c,"sqrt"                    -> ;
  905. $5c,"sqsubseteq"              -> ;
  906. $5c,"sqsupseteq"              -> ;
  907. $5c,"ss"                      -> $e1;
  908. $5c,"star"                    -> "*";
  909. $5c,"strut"                   -> ;
  910. $5c,"strutbox"                -> ;
  911. $5c,"subset"                  -> ;
  912. $5c,"subseteq"                -> ;
  913. $5c,"succ"                    -> ;
  914. $5c,"succeq"                  -> ;
  915. $5c,"sum"                     -> $e4;
  916. $5c,"sup"                     -> "sup";
  917. $5c,"supereject"              -> ;
  918. $5c,"supset"                  -> ;
  919. $5c,"supseteq"                -> ;
  920. $5c,"surd"                    -> $fb;
  921. $5c,"swarrow"                 -> ;
  922. $5c,"t"                       -> ;     // tie after accent
  923. $5c,"t@bb@x"                  -> ;
  924. $5c,"t@bbox"                  -> ;
  925. $5c,"tabalign"                -> ;
  926. $5c,"tabs"                    -> ;
  927. $5c,"tabsdone"                -> ;
  928. $5c,"tabsyet"                 -> ;
  929. $5c,"tan"                     -> "tan";
  930. $5c,"tanh"                    -> "tanh";
  931. $5c,"tau"                     -> $e7;
  932. $5c,"tenbf"                   -> ;
  933. $5c,"tenex"                   -> ;
  934. $5c,"teni"                    -> ;
  935. $5c,"tenit"                   -> ;
  936. $5c,"tenrm"                   -> ;
  937. $5c,"tensl"                   -> ;
  938. $5c,"tensy"                   -> ;
  939. $5c,"tentt"                   -> ;
  940. $5c,"TeX"                     -> "TeX";
  941. $5c,"textindent"              -> ;
  942. $5c,"theta"                   -> ;
  943. $5c,"Theta"                   -> $e9;
  944. $5c,"thinspace"               -> " ";
  945. $5c,"thr@@"                   -> ;
  946. $5c,"tilde"                   -> "~";
  947. $5c,"times"                   -> "x";
  948. $5c,"to"                      -> $1a;
  949. $5c,"toks@"                   -> ;
  950. $5c,"top"                     -> $c2;
  951. $5c,"topins"                  -> ;
  952. $5c,"topinsert"               -> ;
  953. $5c,"tracingall"              -> ;
  954. $5c,"triangle"                -> $1e;
  955. $5c,"triangledown"            -> $1f;  // LaTeX
  956. $5c,"triangleleft"            -> $11;
  957. $5c,"triangleright"           -> $10;
  958. $5c,"triangleup"              -> $1e;  // LaTeX
  959. $5c,"tt"                      -> ;     // use typewriter type
  960. $5c,"ttfam"                   -> ;
  961. $5c,"ttraggedright"           -> ;
  962. $5c,"tw@"                     -> ;
  963. $5c,"u"                       -> ;     // breve accent
  964. $5c,"undefined"               -> ;
  965. $5c,"underbar"                -> ;
  966. $5c,"underbrace"              -> ;
  967. $5c,"uparrow"                 -> $18;
  968. $5c,"Uparrow"                 -> ;
  969. $5c,"upbracefill"             -> ;
  970. $5c,"updownarrow"             -> ;
  971. $5c,"Updownarrow"             -> ;
  972. $5c,"uplus"                   -> ;
  973. $5c,"upsilon"                 -> ;
  974. $5c,"Upsilon"                 -> ;
  975. $5c,"us@false"                -> ;
  976. $5c,"us@true"                 -> ;
  977. $5c,"v"                       -> ;     // check accent
  978. $5c,"v@false"                 -> ;
  979. $5c,"v@true"                  -> ;
  980. $5c,"varepsilon"              -> $ee;
  981. $5c,"varphi"                  -> ;
  982. $5c,"varpi"                   -> $e3;
  983. $5c,"varrho"                  -> ;
  984. $5c,"varsigma"                -> $e5;
  985. $5c,"vartheta"                -> ;
  986. $5c,"vdash"                   -> $c3;
  987. $5c,"vdots"                   -> ":";
  988. $5c,"vec"                     -> ;     // math accent
  989. $5c,"vee"                     -> "v";
  990. $5c,"Vert"                    -> $ba;
  991. $5c,"vert"                    -> $b3;
  992. $5c,"vfootnote"               -> ;
  993. $5c,"vgl@"                    -> ;
  994. $5c,"vglue"                   -> ;
  995. $5c,"voidb@x"                 -> ;
  996. $5c,"vphantom"                -> ;
  997. $5c,"wedge"                   -> "^";
  998. $5c,"widehat"                 -> "^";  // math accent
  999. $5c,"widetilde"               -> "~";  // math accent
  1000. $5c,"wlog"                    -> ;
  1001. $5c,"wp"                      -> ;
  1002. $5c,"wr"                      -> ;
  1003. $5c,"xi"                      -> ;
  1004. $5c,"Xi"                      -> ;
  1005. $5c,"z@"                      -> ;
  1006. $5c,"z@skip"                  -> ;
  1007. $5c,"zeta"                    -> ;
  1008. $5c,"["                       -> ;
  1009. $5c,"]"                       -> ;
  1011. $5c,"^"                       -> ;     // circumflex or hat accent
  1012. $5c,"^","{a}"                 -> $83;  // \^{a}
  1013. $5c,"^","{e}"                 -> $88;  // \^{e}
  1014. $5c,"^","{i}"                 -> $8c;  // \^{i}
  1015. $5c,"^","{o}"                 -> $93;  // \^{o}
  1016. $5c,"^","{u}"                 -> $96;  // \^{u}
  1017. $5c,"^","a"                   -> $83;  // \^a
  1018. $5c,"^","e"                   -> $88;  // \^e
  1019. $5c,"^","i"                   -> $8c;  // \^i
  1020. $5c,"^","o"                   -> $93;  // \^o
  1021. $5c,"^","u"                   -> $96;  // \^u
  1023. $5c,"^^I"                     -> ;
  1024. $5c,"^^M"                     -> ;
  1025. $5c,"_"                       -> ;     // subscript
  1027. $5c,"´"                       -> ;     // grave accent
  1028. $5c,"´","{a}"                 -> $85;  // \´{a}
  1029. $5c,"´","{e}"                 -> $8a;  // \´{e}
  1030. $5c,"´","{i}"                 -> $8d;  // \´{i}
  1031. $5c,"´","{o}"                 -> $95;  // \´{o}
  1032. $5c,"´","{u}"                 -> $97;  // \´{u}
  1033. $5c,"´","a"                   -> $85;  // \´a
  1034. $5c,"´","e"                   -> $8a;  // \´e
  1035. $5c,"´","i"                   -> $8d;  // \´i
  1036. $5c,"´","o"                   -> $95;  // \´o
  1037. $5c,"´","u"                   -> $97;  // \´u
  1039. $5c,"{"                       -> "{";
  1040. $5c,"|"                       -> ;
  1041. $5c,"}"                       -> "}";
  1043. $5c,"~"                       -> ;     // tilde accent
  1044. $5c,"~","{N}"                 -> $a5;  // \~{N}
  1045. $5c,"~","{n}"                 -> $a4;  // \~{n}
  1046. $5c,"~","N"                   -> $a5;  // \~N
  1047. $5c,"~","n"                   -> $a5;  // \~n
  1049. /*
  1050. */
  1052. $22,"A" -> $8e;  // "A
  1053. $22,"O" -> $99;  // "O
  1054. $22,"U" -> $9a;  // "U
  1056. $22,"a" -> $84;  // "a
  1057. $22,"e" -> $89;  // "e
  1058. $22,"i" -> $8b;  // "i
  1059. $22,"o" -> $94;  // "o
  1060. $22,"u" -> $81;  // "u
  1061. $22,"y" -> $98;  // "y
  1063. "?´"    -> $a8;  // open question
  1064. "!´"    -> $ad;  // open exclamation
  1065. "--"    -> "-";  // en-dash
  1066. "---"   -> $c4;  // em-dash
  1068. "^{2}"  -> $fd;
  1069. "^2"    -> $fd;
  1071. "1/2"   -> $ab;
  1072. "1/4"   -> $ac;
  1075. /*** / SMART PART / ***/
  1077. $5c,"langle",$5c,"!",$5c,"langle" -> $ae;  // \langle\!\langle
  1078. $5c,"rangle",$5c,"!",$5c,"rangle" -> $ae;  // \rangle\!\rangle
  1080. $5c,"it",$5c,"$" -> $9c;  // \it\$ (pounds)
  1082. $5c,"frac{1}{2}" -> $ab;  // LaTeX
  1083. $5c,"frac{1}{4}" -> $ac;
  1085. $5c,"3" -> $e1;  // \3
  1087. $5c,"hbox{",$5c,"rm",$5c,"rlap/c}" -> $9b;  // \hbox{\rm\rlap/c} -> cent
  1088. $5c,"hbox{",$5c,"rm",$5c,"rlap=Y}" -> $9d;  // \hbox{\rm\rlap=Y} -> Yen
  1090. "^{",$5c,"mbox{",$5c,"b{a}}}" -> $a6;  // ^{\mbox{\b{a}}}
  1091. "^{",$5c,"mbox{",$5c,"b{o}}}" -> $a7;  // ^{\mbox{\b{o}}}
  1093. "Pt" -> $9e;